I've been thinking a lot about mindset and how much mine has changed over the past couple of years. A couple years ago as I have mentioned in previous posts, I was in toxic cycle of defeat. This cycle consisted of excess alcohol consumption, excess TV consumption, toxic relationships, and no regard for my eating habits at all. This week I was listening to a Tony Robbins podcast I had previously listened to ( I do this from time to time to pick up things I missed the first time.) He talks about taking control of your focus or the world will create your focus for you. Really take the time to think about this statement. It really hit me hard. Now I understand, if I'd continued on the path I was on my mental and physical health would have deteriorated. I was going with the flow. I had to catch up and follow on ALL the popular TV shows not realizing how much time I was giving to consume media that added no value. Don't get me wrong, I still have a couple of shows I watch (Game of thrones :)) but I pick and choose more carefully what I'm spending my time on. Since reallocating my time to my health, I've changed my entire life. I enjoy my time in the gym and also exercising my mind by reading more than I had ever before. I've found I'm passionate about reading about nutrition and sharing the information. I'm hooked and read every morning and evening.
“If you don’t choose your focus, the world will do it for you.”
Below are some notes I found valuable from listening to Tony's podcast on 3 steps to a break through:
1) Strategy
- Do the right thing at the right time.
- Having the guidance of someone who already has gone through what you want to accomplish is key.
- One strategy can change everything as long as you implement it.
- Simplify your strategy into smaller steps.
2) Story
- Change the story you are telling yourself (i.e. I'm big boned., I have low metabolism., All the good men/women are taken.)
- Change your story, change your life!
3) State
- A positive perspective will most likely lead to positive results.
- Combining a positive state with a new story will set you up for success.
- Don't start at an overwhelmed, stressed or negative state.
I recommend listening to the entire podcast in detail so it really sinks in.
How I applied the 3 steps to my personal transformation:
1) Strategy- Two and half years ago, I reached out to my friend Moses, who was offering personal training services. I had started working out with no direction without seeing much of a result. Once I had the workout plan and his guidance, I began to see drastic changes in my physique.
2) Story- I stopped telling myself I couldn't go to the gym on my own. I started to go on my own with the plan Moses had prepared for me. I focused on the exercises and myself. The self-consciousness and fear disappeared. Now I see myself as a fitness enthusiast and personal trainer. I've changed my story many times and will continue to do so as my journey continues.
3) State- It has taken some time to change my state but now I consciously take a step back when I feel I'm heading towards negative thoughts. Looking back now, I realized I was constantly in a negative state. From this negative state, came bad habits. Habits that were draining me of my physical and mental health. Today, my state is to be the light! I want to make positivity louder and spread good every into every room I step in.
Hope you've found some value in this post! Here's an update on my prep for June's competition:
16 vs 3 weeks out!
Until next time!
Crystal ❤